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The building blocks of customer centricity

by Marzia Aricò and Angela Mancini

If customer centricity is your goal, service design should be a central part of your plan to achieve that. It is well known that design can help create desirable products and great customer experiences. Working with clients for over 19 years, we have also seen how critical service design is to the achievement of customer-oriented organisations and cultures. In the past three years, we have developed, tested, and iterated a model to distill the essential building blocks required to move organisations towards a customer logic.

The components of Livework’s customer-centricity maturity model.
Example of a vision statement for a customer-centricity programme.
Example definition of benefits for some key audiences.
Example of a Design Playbook, built in Sharepoint. The playbook includes all key design tools and methods, an explanation for each, and examples that show how to use them in practice.
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